
The 5 Stupidest Things Donald Trump Has Ever Done

Donald Trump has always been in the limelight of several news channels and websites, but not for a good reason. Throughout his political career, he has been a polarizing figure, and people finally had enough of it. It is impossible for anyone to take him seriously as a political leader because of how controversial he is. Here are some of the most criticized moments that many view as serious blunders by Donald Trump.

Claiming the 2020 Election Was Stolen

Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was “stolen” shook public trust in democratic processes. His repeated statements, even without supporting evidence, sparked widespread misinformation and division, and that ended up causing the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been heavily criticized. He never took the virus seriously from the start and promoted unverified treatment even though COVID-19 was severely fatal. His approach led to confusion and skepticism about public health measures. The U.S. experienced one of the highest COVID-19 death tolls. People blamed Trump for the lack of clear communication from the federal government.

Withholding Aid to Ukraine

Trump’s decision to withhold military aid to Ukraine until they investigated his political opponent led to his first accusation. His actions were viewed as a breach of presidential duty and an abuse of power, which increased scrutiny of his foreign policy tactics and raised questions about his approach to international alliances.

Excessive Use of Twitter

Trump never seemed to maintain presidential decorum even though his presence was highly regarded. His frequent tweets involving personal attacks and controversial statements about national and global events created a question mark about his presidency. His posts led to multiple controversies, with some claiming his words risked national and international stability.

Running for President

Many believe that Trump initially ran for president as a publicity stunt rather than a serious submission for office. His unexpected victory launched him into one of the world’s most challenging roles, and critics argue that his lack of experience led to a divisive and chaotic administration.


Donald Trump’s tenure in politics has been marked by some significant controversies. From domestic policies to international incidents, these five actions have shaped public opinion and impacted his legacy. While his supporters argue he challenged norms, these actions remain some of the most debated in his career.

For a detailed look into the problems of Trump’s presidency and their impact, you might find William Austin Ridgeway’s book, MAGA: Misleading All Gullible Americans – The Greatest Scam On The American People, insightful. It provides a thorough examination of Trump’s time in office and why it might be time for a change.

Coming soon on Amazon.

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